Training Series

Creating Successful Group Experiences

This series on Creating Successful Group Experiences provides useful information for first-time and well-seasoned facilitators to make the group experience a successful one. We tackle questions such as: "How do I engage prospective clients to join a group?", "How do I structure and facilitate a group?", "How do I know if my group is successful?"

Part 1: How to Engage Prospective Clients in Making an Informed Decision about Group Participation

May 18, 2017
In this initial webinar, Dr. Rodriguez presents the first of four series installments on Creating Successful Group Experiences.This webinar highlights participant engagement and discusses group experiences while assessing members’ comfort, readiness, and applicability.  The content presented will...

Part 2: Group Processes

June 07, 2017
In this webinar, providers learn about the group process model developed by Bruce Tuckman (Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning). The presenters will discuss various aspects of organizational preparation, and identify common challenges throughout the group process with suggestions...

Part 3: Facilitation Utilizing ROPES

June 14, 2017
The third webinar in a four-part series on Creating Successful Group Experiences, introduces providers to an effective group facilitation method called ROPES (Review, Overview, Presentation, Exercise, Summary). ROPES provides a comprehensive yet efficient model useful for an organized and goal-ori...

Part 4: Evaluation: Group Outcomes and Performance Indicators

July 13, 2017
This was the final webinar of a four-part series on Creating Successful Group Experiences. This webinar provided information on measuring group efficacy through evaluations, which assess relevant outcomes and performance indicators.Dr. Tony Salerno is a licensed psychologist with over 30 years of pu...
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